Personal DevelopmentArticles

Your Thoughts Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Journey

It's early March, you've set big goals at the beginning of this year, and now you feel like your progress is slow, as in WTF IS GOING ON kinda slow. Maybe you've been using the same diet and workout plan for awhile or maybe you're switching it up. Whatever, it doesn't...

Maximizing In The New Year While Dealing With Overwhelm

The year is off to a quick start, is it not!? Usually January takes forever but somehow it’s already mid February with the end of the first quarter quickly approaching. I literally feel like I just wrote out my 2021 goals two seconds ago?! Over the years, I’ve learned...

Negativity In The Workplace

Work, a place where we spend a lot of time and get to know people very well--for better or for worse. It is safe to say the pandemic has stirred up some fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and instability in the workplace, but the negative chatter has been around long before...

Connection, Camaraderie, and COVID.

At this point, roughly six months after the pandemic started in the United States, it is not a secret that our lives have entirely been turned upside down. From the way we socialize, to our dining experiences, how and where we travel, the way we shop, and where/how we...