Health and FitnessArticles

4 Ingredient Energy Bites

If you're anything like me, you never feel safe when hunger strikes and you find yourself needing food ASAP else. Having healthy snacks readily available helps minimize the unnecessary munching and keeps you on track during your busy days. I've wanted to make my own...

Quick and Delicious Brussel Sprouts

To me, brussel sprouts are the perfect fall food and make the house smell absolutely delicious. They pair well with a variety of dishes and don't require much prep at all. I've been making these for years and I basically eat the whole pan almost immediately. I've...

How To Make Peanut Butter Using a Vitamix

I enjoy food where the ingredients are minimal, easily recognizable, and able to successfully be pronounced. Anyone else? I always have great intentions of making food from scratch but never get around to it. I took a leap of faith and committed myself to attempting...

How To Make Celery Juice Using A Vitamix

Celery juice, the miracle liquid that has multiple benefits and crazy healing properties--at least that's what they say right?! Well I'm a believer and sometimes I think that's half the battle! From what I've seen in the research, celery juice helps heal skin issues,...
Diet Hacking Away

Diet Hacking Away

Did you make resolutions at the beginning of this year? If so how they're going? Have you officially started? Maybe restarted? Feeling inconsistent? Regardless, it's only February 15th so there is no need to wait until next January to give it another go okay!?...

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