Did you make resolutions at the beginning of this year? If so how they’re going? Have you officially started? Maybe restarted? Feeling inconsistent? Regardless, it’s only February 15th so there is no need to wait until next January to give it another go okay!? Dieting/changing/adjusting is not easy so don’t let anyone fool ya including me, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to associate pain w/ the change! A lot of it is mindset and the way we view the situation, but let’s be honest, it’s also about knowing the tangible strategies that help keep us on track.

These 5 hacks have been my go to lately–simple but effective!

  1. Get out of the kitchen. When you’re done eating and it’s time to relax or hang with friends, maybe pick a different room. For me, I tend to sit at our peninsula (hi Lyssa) staring blankly at the fridge, and since I’m in the kitchen I might as well eat right!? It’s right at the forefront of my visual field so of course it’s on my mind! Eat dinner and then exit if possible.
  2. Avoid the mindless snacking. Portion out your food and then put the leftovers or snacks away–out of sight out of mind. Even if you portion the food, but leave the serving dish/snack bag next to you, you’re more than likely to reach back in side and go for a second……or third helping………hi. Even at parties, try to not sit directly in front of the snack bowls. I find that I constantly over eat when the food is easily accessible. I’m guilty for doing the whole ‘hand to mouth’ thing where you’re plowing food and don’t even know it. Hello 500 extra calories in 4 minutes, nice to see you again.
  3. Prep your food. Make your food ahead of time or pay someone to do it for you. Time vs money, either one, but sacrifice has to come in somewhere! How many times have you come home in a hangry frenzy and then ate the whole kitchen including the sink as a means to not pass out and or die from hunger?? It’s simply just helpful to have food ready to go to help tame the beast when it’s in rare form.
  4. Chug the water. Do it before and do it after because chances are, instead of starving, you might just be hungry w/ a side of thirsty.
  5. Hold up wait a minute. Instead of immediately going for seconds, give the signal a chance to get to your brain! You might not feel full at first but within a few minutes you may feel more content than expected. Relax, kickback, drink some water, and then if you’re still hungry—mangia 🙂

Those tips may have seemed basic and straightforward but before you doubt them, try them! Like legitimately put them into action for more than a week and see if they help, K? K 🙂

Until next time!
