If you’ve followed me on social media for awhile then you know I’m a sucker for a good grocery trip. I pretty much have it down to a science and typically buy the same foods almost every time. I’ve started buying as much as I can in bulk to help with quantity and overall cost. You do end up paying more upfront but in the long run it will save ya.

grocery haul

This is a snapshot of a typical haul. What you don’t see is the ground meat in the freezer, the 25# bag of jasmine rice in the pantry, or the 60 eggs in the fridge. Hey Costco, I love ya.

I’ll categorize them by macronutrients for you (protein/carbs/fats) so that way you can see through my eyes why I purchase them and or what I eat um for!

Greek yogurt, chicken, ground beef (the fattiest I go is 90/10), ground turkey, turkey burgers, tuna steak, salmon, protein bars, eggs.

Sweet potatoes, jasmine rice, apples, rice cakes, oatmeal, veggies, lettuce, english muffins, honey

Ground beef and salmon are also good fat sources, hummus, the Power Crunch bars specifically are higher in fat, walnuts, peanut butter, olive oil, coconut oil, egg yolks as well, and any nut butters.

The foods I listed are the ones I typically eat on a regular basis. I don’t usually buy processed or packaged foods for multiple reasons. 1. I primarily try and stick to a clean diet with a few exceptions as you see above. 2. I find them to really increase the price of my grocery bill while lasting two seconds at home. 3. They don’t even fill me up!? (LIKE I LOVE YOU SHARK GUMMIES BUT WHAT ARE U DOING FOR ME HMMM?)

I used to suggest and I’ve heard other people recommend as well to shop the perimeter of the grocery store and you’ll be good to go. For the most part I think that’s true and that is where I typically purchase 90% of my foods, but I do have to creep into the aisles for the rice cakes and english muffins. Let’s call it a guideline then instead of standard protocol. 🙂

I hope this was helpful and hope you enjoy your next shopping trip as much as I will. Love ya lots.

Till next time,
