Youz One Tough Cookie Dough

Youz One Tough Cookie Dough

…Basically what I say to myself in the mirror every morning when I’m feelin’ weak. *So strong, so tough.* I found this cookie dough recipe from Well and Good and wanted to give it a try. I’m not much of a baker, but from the few times that I...

New Diet Secrets

What’s up, friends! Dropping in to share some new fan favorites I’ve implemented into my daily routine. I’ve been doing them for about two weeks and so far I’m pretty pleased with the results. 1. Drinking more naturally flavored water. My...
Diet Hacking Away

Diet Hacking Away

Did you make resolutions at the beginning of this year? If so how they’re going? Have you officially started? Maybe restarted? Feeling inconsistent? Regardless, it’s only February 15th so there is no need to wait until next January to give it another go...
Grocery Haul:What I Eat In A Week

Grocery Haul:What I Eat In A Week

If you’ve followed me on social media for awhile then you know I’m a sucker for a good grocery trip. I pretty much have it down to a science and typically buy the same foods almost every time. I’ve started buying as much as I can in bulk to help with...