You asked: How do you manage setbacks while dieting? In order to make progress you will have to say no more than yes,...
Health and FitnessArticles

Fighting The Bikini Bloat
Summertime and the living is easy...except when you feel like a little blimp right before you slide on that bikini. So...

Healthy Summer Salad
Headed to my boyfriend's lake house this weekend and I'm bringing my favorite summer salad--basically a big ole bean...
Healthy Summer Salad
Headed to my boyfriend's lake house this weekend and I'm bringing my favorite summer salad--basically a big ole bean salad! My friend Braun introduced it to me a few summers back and I literally beg and pray that she makes it for every function because it's so...
Low Calorie Summer Cocktails
The weather is warming up in Cleveland and summer is officially on it's way, thank goodness! With vacations, weddings, and patio sitting on the horizon, we want to be able to let loose while not worrying about sabotaging our diets. Cocktails tend to go hand in hand...
Dating in 2018
Dating, freaking hard right? I guess it's hard until you find the right person, but getting there can feel like the world's greatest challenge. We're all different--different needs, wants, thoughts, perspectives and so on, all of which impact how well we mesh with...