The year is off to a quick start, is it not!? Usually January takes forever but somehow it’s already mid February with the end of the first quarter quickly approaching. I literally feel like I just wrote out my 2021 goals two seconds ago?! Over the years, I’ve learned to check in on my goals often instead of writing them once and never looking back…whoops. Revisiting and reviewing is helpful to hold yourself accountable, form the plan, and take the action, but sometimes it can feel like a bit of an undertaking. If you have various areas of your life you want to improve and you’re not sure where to start or what to tackle first, I hear ya. Instead of having your positive intentions derail you, let’s find a way to maximize your time while not necessarily doing more. Oh you like that huh?

Before we get into it, if you’re reading this and you’re like, “umm I haven’t even put pen to paper on what I want for this year”, don’t worry I’ve got you covered. Below is my New Year’s Goal Setting Workbook–let it help you breakdown your ideas into measurable goals while you create one hell of a year. Already past that step? Then take a look below at my three suggestions for maximizing in the new year and learning to deal with overwhelm:

Game changer

  1. What’s the overall goal? What is the main thing that if you achieved it, experienced it, bought it, lived it that it would change your year and or your life? Write down everything on a piece of paper you’ve set out to accomplish, find the game changer and mark it. Put that goal in the middle of your paper and draw a big circle around it. Think of it like this is your main focus for the year, not your only focus, but when you achieve this, other goals will fall in line.

Sub goals

2. Take a look at what else is on your list for 2021. Do any of these compliment number one? As in, by achieving these other goals it would move you closer to the main goal? These aren’t necessarily short term goals of your main goal (of course they can be) but relates to, can strengthen, amplify etc.

Ok draw a line from the middle circle and attach it these sub goals. As you start to see how these relate to the overarching goal, you’ll begin to understand that they work in conjunction, therefore, not separate but a part of! Now, looking at your diagram and list, which ones need to happen in a certain chronological order? If there are time sensitive goals, build the timeline around those first then move to the other goals. The goals that don’t have a hard timeline, ask yourself which ones would move you closer to your game changer while making the biggest difference overall?

If it begins to feel overwhelming, just check back in and ask yourself good questions. What is my main focus? What is possible for me in this time frame? What can I achieve that would help multiple areas? What fun can I have making this plan? How would my life change for the better if I set myself up for success?


3. Write down all the action steps that come to mind, all the steps you can take to draw these goals closer to you. What steps, if you committed to them today would prove to be effective and efficient to making progress in various areas of your life, and ultimately your game changer goal? Most importantly, what action steps would check off multiple boxes and help you begin making progress in various areas? Begin taking action on at least one of those now! 

Maximizing requires strategy and strategy starts in the mind. Let’s start thinking differently about how we’re going to use our time and notice how the way we feel begins to change. Remember that overwhelm is created in our thinking. If you wanted to, you could throw these ideas out the window never to bog you down again  Oh but the opportunities that await so let’s not throw in the towel just yet, that is just an option! The magic is in the moment, it’s in the journey. Who will you become at the end of it all?

You’ve got this, girl. Cheers to staying on top of the new year!