Work, a place where we spend a lot of time and get to know people very well–for better or for worse. It is safe to say the pandemic has stirred up some fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and instability in the workplace, but the negative chatter has been around long before the pandemic ever started. Regardless of the reasonings, bad energy is never fun, but what do we do about it? I’ve polled the audience and have had a few conversations with people on this topic to get my brain stirring.
We can’t control other people, but we can influence their behaviors and the environment. A main theme in my discussions is that people felt uncomfortable to confront the naysayers, the whiners, the pessimists, the slackers etc., which in return brought down their own feelings of excitement and motivation for work. My primary thought being to give people a place to express themselves, to allow their needs to feel heard, to promote a solution-focused environment–obviously right?!
As an Occupational Therapist and a Life Coach, a few areas of study overlap–one of them being emotional regulation. What it seems like to me is that both parties need a place to share openly, be educated on how the power of their thoughts, and how to process the emotions produced from said thoughts. It’s about becoming aware of the thoughts that create the feelings, noticing how those feelings drive the actions/inactions, and the overall results produced. It not only impacts the bottom line, but also the relationships around them.
So what can be done? My ideas as follows: in-services on tracking thoughts, the power of language, processing emotions, utilizing effective communication techniques, online trainings on said topics, scheduled meetings to address internal struggles w/ a solution focus, to ask how their employees are doing, to check-in on the human beings that work for the company, and to address the negativity when noticed. Set the standard, create the desired reputation.
In other real news–you might work somewhere that will never do any of the above despite your expressed concerns. That being said you have a few choices: You can stay and do nothing, you can stay and make your own changes (minimize interaction time, maximize physical distance from one another, work on your own mental strength etc.), or leave. The hard truth is, if you stay and complain without focusing on your own solutions, you’re doing the same destructive work as the naysayers!
Be a change agent. Share these thoughts with your managers, help yourself by helping them. The first step to change is to become aware. Once you’re aware then you can create something wonderful.