Change your day, one thought at a time. Have you ever caught yourself driving somewhere, totally in a daze, thinking about someone that made you mad and before you know it, your heart is pounding out of your chest, you can’t think straight, and you’re mad at that person all over again!? You were still in the driver’s seat, you were still alone, you were still in a neutral situation, so what happened?
You created a physical response based on your thoughts. Your body does not know the difference.
Wild, right?
And now heck yourself, how’s your mood? Your attitude? How’s the tension in your body? How will this impact your next conversation? Your outlook on the rest of the day?
Our life is controlled by thoughts we choose to focus on, so why not choose thoughts that work for us? If we can catch the thought that’s making us feel bad or having us act in opposition of how we really want to be, we have the power to change it.
Notice the thought, ask yourself how this could be untrue, and then replace it with a more empowering thought. This thought has to be believable in order to create the change. What powerful action would you be able to take from a place of possibility or potential vs doubt or lack?
You can change your life, one thought at a time.