If you’re anything like me, you never feel safe when hunger strikes and you find yourself needing food ASAP else. Having healthy snacks readily available helps minimize the unnecessary munching and keeps you on track during your busy days. I’ve wanted to make my own energy bites for awhile now, and I successfully completed this task for the first time a few weeks ago! These were a great go-to for in between meals and to hold me over for those later dinner plans.
I’m headed to Chicago tomorrow for a quick weekend trip, so I decided to make a small batch for our travels. They’re perfect to shove in my purse for the plane ride and for walking around the city when you just need a snack. And yes, you can take food through security, just no liquids!
Most of you know by now that I don’t like following recipes verbatim and typically just use them as a guide for my first go around. I found this blog (click the link to read more) that provided the framework and then I tweaked the recipe. This recipe has four ingredients, that of which are pictured below. Being gone only a couple of days, I decided to cut the ingredients in half to keep the batch smaller and twice now I’ve cut out the rolled oats–I don’t need all of those extra carbs!

The Process
Throw all of the ingredients into the Vitamix and use the tamper to help combine. Periodically remove the lid, scrape up the mixture with a spoon as it does tend to stick to the bottom, and continue the process. Eventually it forms a conglomerate like the image shown below! (I personally don’t like to grind up the flax seeds entirely, I like the subtle crunch they provide.) From there on, roll them into small balls and pop them in the fridge until cool. They’re good either way but definitely prefer them to be cold!

Overall, this process should take about 10-15 minutes with very little clean up. When you’re done, throw them in a ziplock bag, pack um up and enjoy! An all clean snack packed with healthy macronutrients to keep the hunger monster at bay. Let me know what you think if you give this recipe a try!

Talk soon my friends!