To me, brussel sprouts are the perfect fall food and make the house smell absolutely delicious. They pair well with a variety of dishes and don’t require much prep at all. I’ve been making these for years and I basically eat the whole pan almost immediately. I’ve learned to buy a lot because they do go fast!
I learned this super easy recipe from the queen herself, Ina Garten, and have made some very minor changes over the years, so let’s get started! All this recipe needs is extra virgin olive oil, cracked sea salt, and cracked black pepper. Also, be sure to pre heat the oven to 400 degrees so you’re ahead of the game! I set it at 450 if I’m in a rush.
Step 1: Wash
I felt like I had to tell you this, but I’m admittedly not the best with it!

Step 2: Cut
Near the base of the sprout there’s a hard stalk/ brown area that you’ll want to cut off. Once that’s done I choose to cut them in half. If some of the leaves fall off don’t throw them away! They’re just as yummy and fun to pick off the tray when done.
Step 3: Mix
Place all of your sliced brussel sprouts into a large bowl. Drizzle a fair amount of olive oil, add your salt and pepper, and then mix. I don’t measure and never have, I just make sure they’re well coated! Once done, spread them on a baking sheet.

Step 4: Bake
Put them in the oven for about 30-40 minutes and let them bake until crispy. I check on them periodically and will shift them around with a spatula. To me, they appear almost burnt when done, but I think this is when they taste their best.
Once they’re done, take them out and enjoy! Super simple and a great healthy snack for all to share. If you try this recipe please let me know what you think!