Oh man, 30 years where did it go?! A great story with it’s fair share of ups and downs with a lot of life lessons intertwined. Nonetheless, grateful for all of the moments that have lead me to right now.

Change isn’t always bad. I used to have a real hard time with change but realizing that getting rid of the old or the toxic only allows room for something better. Keep an open mind.
Reading is a cure for the mind and the soul. I really began enjoying reading in 2013 and it has literally changed my life. I’m a personal development junkie so anything that makes me feel good and empowered—sign me up.

Never fucking settle. Life is too short to spend it doing something you don’t want to do, living somewhere you don’t want to live, or dating someone that isn’t right for you. Raise your standards because no one else will do it for you. You’re worth it.
Perspective is everything. Times are going to be hard, you will have bad days, someone will set you off, but with every negative there is a positive. Even with every new opportunity there will be new ‘problems’! Every great situation will have it’s struggles. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

Be comfortable being you. Your greatest power is YOU because there’s not another soul like ya. You bring something unique to the table and can add value to someone’s life if you dare choose. You can’t please everyone so continue doing you, it is your life after all.

Just have some fun. The deadlines will get met, you will get that school project finished, you will clean the house in time for your guests, and you will lose the weight, so in the meantime don’t forget to loosen up and enjoy the ride. Stress is a killer and half the time the things we stress about don’t ever end up happening.

Every storm does pass. Seems like some storms take centuries to blow on by, trust me I know, but they do end and you’re usually better because of them. They tend to leave lessons behind, leaving your more equipped and better prepared for the future.
Heartbreak is terrible. It’s hard and yucky and it happens to almost everyone, BUT one day your life will change. You’ll see that things had to shift so you could meet the right person, move to that new city, or land your dream job. It’s all working out in the way that it’s supposed to, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Your thoughts determine your destiny and the clichés are real. It all was once a thought– the chair you’re sitting on, the phone you’re using, the car you’re driving. None of it was real until someone thought it into existence. What you think about most becomes your reality. What lens you use on a daily basis will produce more of the same. The one liner cliche’s are valuable and true. See the potential of every situation, your life literally depends on it!

Time goes fast. Love the hell out of your people. Tell them, show them, and remind them daily. Stop picking fights over nothing. Show your gratitude. Go on the adventures. Take a deep breath and savor the moments.

What do I want for my next 30 years? A lot more travel and a lot less worry, to continue to live my life by design vs. default, to promote the possibility to all people I meet, and leave them better than I found them. Until next time!