Having good skin has been a hot topic over the last couple of years and rightfully so! We live in our skin our entire lives so we might as well take care of it. If you’re anything like me, feeling overwhelmed by the copious amounts of skincare information and recommended products isn’t unusual. As I expand and begin to use my more medical grade products the more questions I have.
I recently sat down with aesthetician Kristyn from Revital Medspa, located in Westlake, OH. She helped breakdown a typical skincare routine, the order products should be used, and the ABCs of anti-aging.
Please keep in mind the following information is generalized and not meant for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns about your skin and or products, please make an appointment with an aesthetician near you.
Morning and Evening Skincare Routine:
Kristyn said a basic skincare routine should include the following products: A cleanser, exfoliator, toner, vitamin C, retinol and an SPF. For starters, something to keep in mind is to apply products from thinnest to thickest as far as serums go. Using this order will allow the thinner products to penetrate the skin.
A typical morning routine should consist of cleansing, exfoliating (2-3x a week), and toning. After that is complete, continue with vitamin C, SPF, and moisturizer. For nighttime routines, cleansing and toning are also recommended. After toning, apply your retinol (vitamin A) and then moisturizers.

The ABCs of Skincare:
If you’re remotely interested in skincare, I’m sure you’ve used and or heard the words anti aging before. Nowadays, it’s all about how to reverse the damage, maintain what we have, and prevent further skin breakdown. Trying to sort through all of the necessary products can be confusing, so Kristyn provided me with the simple acronym of ABC to help me remember!
Vitamin A aka retinol. Retinol helps with collagen production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, pore size, and decreasing acne breakouts.
Broadspectrum SPF. As most know, the sun can cause some serious damage overtime such as sun spots, wrinkles, and even cancer. It is recommended to reapply every 1-2 hours.
Vitamin C. This is used to help brighten the skin, fade dark spots, and stimulate collagen production.
I hope you found this information helpful! I know it can feel overwhelming at first, but starting somewhere is better than not starting all. You can always add in products gradually, whatever works for you. Just remember, small changes overtime equals long term progress!
Till next time, friends!

Thank you so much for this post on the basics!
You’re so welcome!