Feeling anxious is no fun and if you’ve been there you know what I’m talking about– the lack of self control, thoughts spiraling in a million different directions, paralyzed by fear etc etc. As much as I work on my mindset, I still have times where I let life’s demands get the best of me. Overtime, I’ve created a toolbox of tips and tricks to help fight those overwhelming thoughts and get back on track. I do understand that everyone’s levels of anxiety vary, but I hope these 7 go-tos aid you to some degree!
1. Realize the Reality
I’ve seen a few quote here and there that frame anxiety as fear of the future–focusing on something that hasn’t happened but making it so real in your mind that your body produces a physical response. Take notice of your thoughts. Is this experience actually happening right now? Could there be a better possible outcome to hone in on? Focus on the now and zoom out! The anxiety stems from hyper focusing on a single event. What else is happening around you that is actually quite wonderful?
2. Listen to Music
Nothing changes a mood faster than some good beats paired with you favorite song. Maybe it’s the distraction, maybe it’s the feeling that song elicits, or may it’s both and who cares! Let the music play and play it loud!
3. Movement
Which brings me to my next point, get up and move! I learned this one from one of my favorites, Tony Robbins. He basically says movement will change your state! It’ll shake you up, help you relieve some of that impenetrable focus, and shift you into a state of feeling good. Head to the gym, go for a walk, run on a treadmill, dance to that favorite song. Don’t have time for any of those? Sprint the stairs, shake your arms as fast as possible, bounce up and down in your car–whatever it takes, and no, it doesn’t matter who is watching.
4. Talk it Out
Call your friend, wake up your partner, or go stand in the mirror and talk about what has you feeling anxious. This will help you talk through it, realize that it might not be as bad as you think, and or allow for some suggestions to manage the situation.
5. Write it down
You can also grab a notebook and write down your thoughts. It’s hard to manage them if they’re jumbled in your head. See them for what they are, not what your mind is making them to be. Think of it like dumping your brain onto a piece of paper and freeing your mind of the chaos. Then move into focusing on the possible solution more than the perceived problem.
6. Distract Yourself
I’ve found that when I feel my thoughts closing in on me, I like to call my friends or family and hear about their day. Laugh with them, offer them advice if they’re struggling and realize the world isn’t revolving around me! It’s a good way to help zoom out as referenced in tip #1.
7. Engage in Activities
Pick up a book that makes you feel good and empowered, start coloring, do the dishes, fold your laundry–anything! Pick activities that don’t take much brain power…. and we all know wash dishes is quite a mind-numbing activity. Slow down your thoughts and realize you are in control.
I hope you find these tips helpful throughout your days and remember along the way that you are in control of your thoughts, your thoughts do not control you. Also, please keep this in mind: I am not a medical professional or physician and recommend seeking professional help if you’re really struggling. There’s nothing wrong with talking to someone, it’s meant to benefit you!
Until next time my friends!