I enjoy food where the ingredients are minimal, easily recognizable, and able to successfully be pronounced. Anyone else? I always have great intentions of making food from scratch but never get around to it. I took a leap of faith and committed myself to attempting to make homemade peanut butter, to which I can happily tell you was very easy!
What you’ll need: Peanuts and a Vitamix–that’s it! I found a few recipes that mentioned you could add other ingredients like honey, cinnamon or use other nuts, but for my first attempt I went with the basic approach and only used peanuts.
Step 1: Add Peanuts to Vitamix
I added 3 cups of peanuts all at once to the Vitamix. This amount should fill a 16 ounce mason jar.

Step 2: Begin To Mix
Gradually increase the speed on the Vitamix starting at one and slowly working your way to ten. It will sound scary but per the Vitamix recipe book, this is to be expected! Use the tamper to push the peanuts down but be sure to have the lid on and push through the opening to ensure it doesn’t touch the blade! Within about one minute you will begin to see the peanut butter take form!

This was very easy and required minimal time to complete. You can use peanut butter with oatmeal, spread it on rice cakes, or eat it right out of the jar! As I try different recipes I’ll be sure to update this post as I go! Let me know if you give this a try!
Till next time!