Each niche, whether it’s health, fitness, meditation, skin care etc. thrives off of routines. Why? Because doing something consistently produces the best results! Routines are essentially comprised of our daily habits, so in order to build a successful routine we need to narrow down what it is we need to do consistently.

Here are my tips on setting up a successful routine:

1. Know Your Why

Why are you getting out of bed? Is it just to go to the gym or is it to be healthier? Do you want to lose ten pounds or do you want to feel more comfortable in your bathings suit on your next girl’s trip? Attaching a person to a goal is also a great motivator then you’re not only do something for yourself but for someone else that’s important to you. There’s usually a greater reason behind our goals, tapping into those thoughts will help you to stick with it on your hardest days.

2. Setup the Environment

Have everything setup and accessible. Do you need to pick out your workout clothes at night? Make your food on Sunday? Get rid of the snacks in the cupboard? Do you need to line up your skincare products to make sure you do your 5 step bedtime routine? Make it easy on yourself and set yourself up for success! Take out the thinking part. In the beginning, it’s usually difficult to think beyond our feelings, so take the thinking out of it and just do!

3. Use Visual Reminders

Checklists for the day are great reminders to keep you on task. You can even write your list down in the order you anticipate it to be completed. Setting reminders on your cell phone at certain times or when you’re in certain locations is also helpful.

4. Don’t Overthink It

Your mind will talk you out of doing something within 5 seconds. F I V E. Mel Robbins advice? Countdown from 5 and by time you get to 1 you better be up and moving! You’re basically a rocket ship ready for takeoff (:  Do what you said you were going to do when it was easy!

5. Don’t Over Complicate It

If you feel overwhelmed from the get-go you might stop before you start. Make it manageable. Maybe replace one to two meals a day with something healthy versus overhauling your whole diet or maybe start with a 3 step skin care routine vs an 8 step. As you begin to feel more comfortable you can start increasing the demands on yourself.

It does take time and discipline, but with consistent effort you will get there! And if you fall off, you can always get back on 🙂
