Morning, friends!
Your girl LOVES her muffins, especially with her coffee, but she also doesn’t like to use a ton of ingredients when doing anything in the kitchen. Gabe and I are headed to Columbus tomorrow for holiday festivities, so I figured I’d make a batch instead of being hangry the entire way down.
I found this recipe online and figured I’d give it a whirl. Muffins are usually super high in calories so I thought this would be a lighter alternative compared to the norm. I guess we can save the big juicy ones for impulsive buys at Costco (HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE THINGS). These are great when you’re short on time, need a mid day snack, or need some road trip goodies!
The goods:
- 2 1/2 cups large flake oats
- 1 large egg
- 1 1/2 cups milk
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- I mixed in: Chopped apples bananas, blueberries, and mini chocolate chips! All are 100% optional, but I’d highly recommend those mini chocolate chips!
How to muffin:
- Pull out muffin tray, pop in the liners (I sprayed mine), and then evenly divide the mixture.
- Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. When I did separate toppings, I added those once they were in the tray, but when I did all chocolate chips I mixed up right in!
- Pop um in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees. Take um out and let them cool!
I kept mine stored in the fridge but you can easily keep um on the counter if you’d like! I can’t even tell you how long they last because I ate them all within a week hehe. Either way, pretty simple right? Give the recipe a try and let me know what you think! Next I’m gonna try and master the blueberry muffin because god bless, who doesn’t like those!?

I did half the recipe for this guy, das why he so small but oh so cute!
Enjoy, muffins!