Lauren Nanni Coaching 

The place where you finally get unstuck and start living the life you know you were meant for.


Okay friend, be honest with me for a second, how long have you felt stuck in your life?

Like no matter what you do nothing seems to work?

No matter how much effort you take, no matter how many Mondays come around, or resets you do, it feels hard to create any tangible progress? 

It’s like you’re a pro at prioritizing everyone and everything else and making progress in other areas….except the parts of your life that matter most to you?

I get it because I’ve been there.

But I have the best news–that story ends today.

Do any of these sound familiar? 

Feeling stuck but don't know how to change it?

Have success in other areas but your personal goals are falling to the wayside.

Tired of giving max effort with not much to show for it

Continuously getting the same results with little to no progress?

Knowing you have so much more to offer but don't know where to start?

Over experiencing the pain of never fully going for it, only to find yourself in the same place you were last year?


Stuck is not your final destination. I will show you how to get unstuck so you can become unstoppable.


I understand because that was me too…

Starting every year or every Monday super motivated, did all things, but never had much to show for it.

Feeling stuck but don't know how to change it?

Deeply craving a change and believing I was meant for more but didn't know how to get there.

Taking all the action but holding my breath if this would be the year it worked.

Feeling the pain of waiting while watching other people live their dreams

Constantly questioning what the heck I was doing wrong and why nothing seemed to work.


Until one day it did all change. It changed with a decision. A decision to be willing. To be willing to do things differently, to be willing to step out of my comfort zone. 

It all works out in the end because I believe I was stuck for so long so you don’t have to be! So if you find yourself stuck in fear or indecision, but so desperately wanting a change, you’re in the right place.


My name is Lauren and I’m a certified life coach who is ready to help you change your mind so you can change your life. I help the motivated get unstuck, start making progress, and enjoying the life they’re building. Getting unstuck isn’t just for other people, it’s for you too.


Why getting unstuck matters!

You get more of YOUR life back. 

You’re present, you’re not wondering and daydreaming about what could be. 

You get to experience life based on your definition of happiness. 

You have more fulifllment in your days as you start living in the way you always saw for yourself. 

You start believing in yourself like never before.

This is your one life, it’s meant to be enjoyed!

I do not even know where to begin…..Lauren saved my life! I am not joking. Looking
back, I needed to rebuild my foundation in life and did not know where to start. I tried everything
on my own but kept on lying to myself. Nothing was consistent in my life. I had goals of wanting
a morning routine, doing well in grad school, losing weight, and most importantly being happy
and enjoying the process. I was in a dark place at the time where I just kept on telling myself I
would never be happy until I graduated with my master’s. I truly was just surviving day by day
and not living. I wanted to start to live my life again and enjoy the process of doing so. That’s
when I met Lauren! I knew I needed help. I have had mentors in all areas of my life where it is
socially acceptable school, work, fitness trainers etc. I needed a mentor for life. I needed life coaching!

Lauren will take you on a powerful 6-month journey that will transform you into your
best self. Big changes will happen in so little time. Anything is possible that you can put your
mind to. She will help you rebuild your foundation and teach you to see and think differently. All
days can be good days, the choice is yours! I did not have the tools back then, but I do now.
Looking back, my job and loved ones have been by my side this entire journey completely static
as I have transformed. I wanted to press the play button again on my life, taking in all life’s
moments. Lauren will teach you to appreciate the little things again and to celebrate the wins.

She helped me rebuild my foundation for what works for me. I wanted to be a morning person, I wanted to do this, that etc. I wanted to be and do these things and Lauren gave me the baby steps of doing so. She is so patient, kind, and motivational, meeting every week to review what went well, what we can improve on, and more. It is a weekly lab with her on how you want to create your best self. I have been lost since post covid, but now I am found. The universe gave me an opportunity and life coaching saved me. A mentor for guidance, routine, and foundation. I can finally start to grow again. 2024 has already been amazing. Thank you, Lauren!

-Natalie H.


1:1 Coaching  

If you’re ready to get unstuck and step into the life you’ve always wanted,  join me on a journey where we’ll work 1:1 together leaving behind what isn’t working and get you making the progress you’ve been waiting to feel. We’ll create transformation from the inside out, helping you do the inner work so your outer reality can reflect all that you want.


We’ll start our 3 or 6 month coaching journey by creating an empowering vision and establishing meaningful goals. From there we’ll coach weekly to help you close the gap on where you are to where you want to be. Each session is unique to your needs and where you’re at on your journey, but this is what I typically work with my client’s on to help them reach their goals:

Getting clear on what they want.

Establishing a starting point and making the next mile marker doable and achievable.

Working through blocks and fears that might have been holding them back.

Shifting perspectives and offering a new view point to help them approach the same problem in a different light.

Establishing action plans that are doable yet progressive towards your goals.

Getting to know their future selves so they can start embodying that reality today.

Rewriting old stories that have been holding them back and establishing new stories that help move them forward.

and so much more.

6 months of 1:1 coaching: 


  • Weekly calls: 24 weeks of weekly 45 minute Zoom calls with custom 1:1 coaching support. 
  • 90 minute deep dive (in addition to the 24 calls):  Where we’ll build your vision and your goals. We’ll begin bringing your ideas, goals, dreams to life. 
  • Follow ups: You’ll receive an email after each session with custom messaging for where you’re at in your journey.
  • Weekly prep form: I’ll provide you with a form to help you track your progress and reflect on your growth. Bringing awareness to where you’re at is key for growth. 
  • 6 months of weekly accountability: Weekly checkins with me to keep you going, to help you stop stopping, and to get you creating the life of your dreams. 
  • High touch support in between calls: Life happens outside of our calls and I’ll be there when you need it most! You’ve added a life coach to your team so if you need something before our next call, text or email support is available for you. 
  • Dedicated time and space: Consider this your weekly standing appointment with your future self. Weekly calls over a 6 month timespan to create and craft the life you want. Will it take you 6 months to start seeing results? Definitely not, you’ll actually start seeing, feeling and experiencing shifts rather quickly, but I created this 6 month container to allow you to make these changes and then grow into them. To allow you to implement, to test out, and to come back to your “lab” and adjust as needed. This container is for the person who has multiple areas of their life that they want to work on, who is ready to make deep transformative change over a period of time, and wants to have a coach on their “life team” for a better portion of the year. 
  • Special discounts: Receive 10% off any of my self paced courses, workshops, or retreats to add tools and resources to your toolbox. 
  • The investment: $5000 when you pay in full or 2 payments of $2700.


3 months of 1:1 coaching: 


  • Weekly calls: 12 weeks of weekly 45 minute Zoom calls with custom 1:1 coaching support. 
  • 90 minute deep dive (in addition to the 24 calls):  Where we’ll build your vision and your goals. We’ll begin bringing your ideas, goals, dreams to life. 
  • Follow ups: You’ll receive an email after each session with custom messaging for where you’re at in your journey.
  • Weekly prep form: I’ll provide you with a form to help you track your progress and reflect on your growth. Bringing awareness to where you’re at is key for growth. 
  • 3 months of weekly accountability: Weekly checkins with me to keep you going, to help you stop stopping, and to get you creating the life of your dreams. 
  • Support in between calls: Life happens outside of our calls and I’ll be there when you need it most! Email support available in between calls. 
  • Dedicated time and space: Similar to the 6 month container but different. 12 weeks of weekly support to dedicate to your life, your goals, and the future you want most. This is for the person who is looking to create lasting change and typically has 1-2 areas of life they want to focus on. 
  • The investment: $3000 when you pay in full or 2 payments of $1700.


The Deep Dive:

  • A two hour call where we’ll go deep on what matters to you most! In these 2 hours, we’ll create clarity, direction, and actionable steps to help you refocus and re-shift. 
  • Often times our goals can feel so big, and sometimes even overwhelming, that we don’t know what to do next. Instead of stopping or giving up, let’s chunk it down to help you feel more in control of your life. And with any goal comes our own “stories” or our own limiting beliefs/blocks that get in the way of having what we want. It’s often hard to see our own blocks, let me come in and help you create understanding and awareness so you can keep making progress towards the life you want. Spend these two hours getting coached and creating breakthroughs to help you take the next best step for you.  A prep email will be sent your way prior to the call so we can use our time most effectively. 
  • The investment: $500. If you choose to continue with either the 3 or the 6 month package, the $500 will be subtracted from that total. 

This is for you if: 

You’re tired of doing all the things but have little to show for it.

You know you’re meant for more and have untapped potential but don’t know where to start.

You have the motivation, you have the desire, but you’re tired of ending the year the same way you started it.

You fear that feeling stuck is just part of who you are but you still believe you can create a change if you just knew how.

You’re looking for guidance and support and to have someone who understands and can help. 

You’re ready to feel like it’s working, you’re ready to reap the rewards of your hard work.  


Interested in working together?

Please fill out the form below and I’ll be in contact as soon as possible!

Client testimonials

Working with Lauren has been life changing. I had initially decided to work with her to make some career changes, but what she has provided was much more than that! I have always envisioned my life a certain way and always thought it would just take years to get there, but after working with her for a few months, many of the things I had envisioned had manifested into my reality. She is exactly what I needed to give me the discipline and encouragement to make some big decisions.
She has also provided me with tools to help with changing my perspective and becoming more aware of my thoughts and feelings. And we’re just getting started. I truly believe working with Lauren has been so incredibly life changing and I cannot wait to see how much more we can accomplish together in the new year! 


Joanne M.

I had heard of life coaching previously and was always reluctant to schedule a session. I always found an excuse – it wasn’t worth the money, I don’t have time to do it, etc. I booked a free session just to get a feel for things and was immediately hooked. Working with Lauren this past year has been an incredibly positive and eye opening experience. She has pushed me, made me question things, helped me look at my thoughts from a different perspective, and held me accountable for things that I had constantly found excuses for prior to coaching. Being able to speak freely, with no judgement, has helped me clear my mind and set a path towards a brighter future for myself (the one I’ve always wanted). I can’t wait to continue my sessions and see what else I am capable of and all that I can achieve in this next year.

Kal B. 

A life-altering event is defined as something that has a strong enough effect to change someone’s life. I think Life Coaching with Lauren should be Life-Changing with Lauren because that is exactly what happened. During my 12 weeks with Lauren, my life was changed in ways I never thought possible. Lauren was able to push me, to make me see life beyond what my brain allowed at the time. Since my time with Lauren I have received a 16% increase in pay at work, have been told the way I can command a room with confidence is admirable and motivating, and my relationships with my husband, children, and friends have blossomed insurmountably because I have been able to see my worth and understand I am deserving of all the things. Lauren will encourage you and challenge you, all of this done in the safest of spaces. Taking the leap of faith of meeting with Lauren was the most life-altering event and the biggest chance I have ever taken on myself. My only regret? Not starting sooner!

Kirstin B.

Will your “after” say?

Working with Lauren has honestly been life changing. I have always loved personal development and read many books and listened to many podcasts on similar content, but working with her for 4 months made a bigger difference than 2 years of the work on my own. She holds you accountable, but also teaches you to be nice to yourself and celebrate your wins and how far you have come.

The most amazing part is that I was focused on one specific area of my life, but she helped me come to realize similar thoughts were actually sabotaging almost every area of my life. Working together to rewrite my old story has had a positive impact on every aspect of my life. After working with her, I am less stressed, more productive and feel like I am actually reaching my potential for the first time in several years! I cannot say enough positive things about Lauren and how happy I am that I decided to take the chance and work with her!

Kate B.

Taking the leap of faith to work with Lauren about a year ago has proven to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. In every call we have together, I can feel (even over zoom!) how much she truly cares about me and my success. Whatever is most important to me is most important to her. Even outside of our calls, she’s always checking in periodically with nuggets of wisdom and good vibes that keep my focus and feelings in check during the week. She has held me accountable to all the things I’ve needed her to (I like to call her my “professional pusher” in the most loving way possible), and she has helped me to discover things about myself, my life, and my thoughts that I’ve never even been conscious of before. But most importantly, she’s given me a platform to think and dream bigger about what’s possible for me and my future. She’s the best friend, support system, and accountability buddy you’ll ever have all wrapped into one person. Truly everyone needs a Lauren in their life, and I’m forever grateful for what we’ve accomplished together so far.

Sydney K. 

In just 3 months of working with Lauren, I have experienced exponential internal growth and I couldn’t be more grateful to have her in my corner.

I went to Lauren as a business owner with feelings of overwhelm and burnout. I felt like I had too many things on my plate and didn’t have the time or resources needed to prioritize self care or my relationships. Life, work, and my personal living space always felt cluttered. I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants to get things things done but didn’t have any sense of organization or control for it to be sustainable.

Lauren helped me clearly articulate a future vision for myself and then create systems that would allow me to achieve it. We focused on ‘basic building blocks’ such as learning better systems to keeping my house clean, forming a morning routine, prioritizing self-care and health/wellness goals, creating boundaries, etc. These basics, which are now habits, have allowed me to have more energy and creative space to focus on the things that bring me joy: building businesses, event production, cultivating healthy relationships, and giving back to my community.

Our sessions are productive and restorative. She keeps me grounded and gives me perspective. She reminds me that, even though I have so much more that I want to accomplish, I still have so much to be proud of. Lauren is encouraging, kind, funny, and supportive. She constantly reminds me that the life that I aspire to live is within my grasp while providing me the resources and support that I need to continue working towards it. My life has been transformed completely and it wouldn’t be possible without Lauren’s support and guidance.

Leanna C.


I know the struggles of playing small, living within a story that no longer serves, and wondering why year after year you’re always in the same place! If we think the same, we create the same.

Our thoughts are the drivers of our lives and it isn’t until we take control of them that we can a live a life based on intention and desire instead of unconscious default.  If you’re looking for a different way of doings things, fill out the form to inquire more about 1:1 coaching.