New year, new me. New year, same me. New year, still trying to figure out who the hell I am me. It’s hard to figure out who we are sometimes isn’t it? Half the time I’m like okay here we go this is awesome, then I’m like maybe I should get better at that, and then I’m like wait I’m confused someone hold me.

The best part about all of those thoughts is that I think they’re all perfectly okay and normal. I’ve learned a lot by changing, improving, and being confused. I overcame personal fears, achieved major goals, and crossed a lot off my bucket list in the past year. When I think back I try and decipher what made truly made the difference, what was that one determining factor, I actually land on two thoughts–deciding and committing.  Exciting, sexy and scandalous right? Sorry to disappoint!

What I find helpful when it comes to deciding and committing–writing down what I wanted and never wavering. Jotting down thoughts help you see them for what they are  instead of the mind making them into something they are not. Here’s the other part–I didn’t always have a well thought out plan and half the time I didn’t have a plan at all. I solidified a few things but the rest I let occur naturally. I learned to bend when I needed to and went with the flow more than I was used to. I did my best to be open minded to different possibilities and different paths, but always keeping the end goal in mind. I was scared, super unsure, and hesitant, but I never let it stop me. I paused at times, but ultimately kept going.

The will, self discipline, determination, and persistence are like any muscle you want to develop, it needs to be trained overtime, consistently, and sometimes with different approaches in order to see the best results. What do I think has helped me the most thus far? Take a peek below.

  1. Read. Pick up a book and just do it. It doesn’t have to be the entire book, but even just a few sentences or one chapter every few days helps. I read new books and sometimes I read the same books. I learn with constant repetition and sometimes the same information presents itself differently depending on how it’s relayed. Each time you can learn something new, which can ultimately lead to major breakthroughs. I just purchased Tony Robbin’s, Awaken The Giant Within, and I feel like I’ve already highlighted half the ebook (which is another great way to have a quick refresher of info). I’m barely a quarter of the way through but highly recommend.
  2. Listen. For all the peeps who really don’t like reading or don’t feel like they have the time– Audiobooks. They are all the rage and you can even adjust the speed to be 2-3x faster, which will allow you to cover more ground in a shorter amount of time. If you still aren’t into books, maybe try a podcast or a youtube channel. I’ve been all about Bob Proctor’s channel for the last month or so and his information is always on point. I plug him into my ears on my drive to work and it helps to set the tone for the day. Love me some Bob at the crack of dawn!
  3. Meditate. I’m still working on the whole, sit in silence and close your eyes and think about NOTHING else type of meditation, so I started with a guided session. It’s a 20 minute youtube video by Bob Proctor where he has you close your eyes and he talks you through it…freaking love that guy. It still takes a lot of effort on my part to shut my brain down, but I truly feel more focused and relaxed afterwards. I also feel more clarity for decision making when I boost my mood/energy, which for me is usually achieved by a workout or some good music. I’m personally loving Sam Smith at the moment (this “moment” is spanning a time frame of like 4 months now).

Three things, three simple, but very important things I do consistently. When I don’t do them consistently I feel and see the difference within myself. I build the reading, the listening, and the thinking/meditation/mood boosting ju ju into my daily routine. I personally don’t always have all the time to sit down like a good student, but I absorb the information whenever I can. Whether it’s popping on a youtube video while I clean or listening to a podcast while I drive, there are opportunities to learn while doing the 900 other things we’re required to complete throughout the day. I make time for them because without um 2017 would have never unfolded the way that it did.

My goal for 2018? Take the information that I’ve learned in the past, add to it, and the consistently apply it. I do well and then I fall off. I commit to certain things and then I talk more than I work. For me, I want this year to be a testament to see what it is I truly want and how much I’m actually committed to creating it. In the brilliant words of my mom, “Some people are determined, others just have good intentions.” Let’s make this our best year yet.

Until next time,
