It’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes, this thing called life.

It throws you curve balls, which either miss you entirely or hit really damn hard.

It throws you back against the wall and makes you question just about everything you’re doing.

It reminds you that nothing is permanent and everything is temporary.

But, it also makes you tough even in the times you don’t want to be.

It would be too easy to call the past and say, “Hey, I need you not to do that because come 2/4/20 years from now you’re gonna see/feel/think this way.”

That’s not how it works–fortunately and unfortunately.
The cold hard truth? You can’t change the past. You just can’t, so stop dwelling on the things you can no longer control.

No mistakes, just life lessons. Learn from them, grow from them, but realize they are only a small chapter in your entire life story.

Take a deep breath, your life is right on time.

